Nikon D3x Review - Features and Benefits of Nikon D3x For Your Photoshoot Requirements

For the photographer who likes to have absolute control over every detail in his or her camera, the Nikon D3x is definitely the one to choose. A close review of Nikon D3x shows an improvement over an earlier D3 digital SLR, which was widely praised for its ergonomic design and excellent portability. Bear in mind however that this is no lightweight, the body alone weighing in at 43 ounces (1.2 kg).
The biggest change can be seen in the sheer number of megapixels, imagine a mind boggling 24.5! Boasting Nikon's new technology, FX-format CMOS sensor, this camera increases the sensing area to 35.9 x 24.0mm. That translates into maximum resolution. Although Trey Ratcliff acknowledges that this feature alone increases the sticker value substantially and is not necessary for small photographs, it is absolutely a must for him, since he wants every shot to be the best. He also comments that the resolution on the Nikon D3x makes it ideal for giant screens, even in very close range.
Another attraction on this model is the ability to shoot up to 5 frames per second at the highest resolution, and up to 7 frames per second in a lower resolution, the DX format in 10.5 megapixels. This aspect makes it a good choice for sports and nature photographers, when every Baltimore portrait photographer fraction of a second makes the difference between a great shot and a mediocre one. Granted, it is not the fastest on the market, but this model does offer high ISO, starting at ISO 100 up to ISO 1600. If that were not enough, there are options to increase or decrease the sensitivity range. There are more options to adjust two stops higher or one stop lower, which further extends the ways shots can be taken, reaching a high of up to ISO 6400 or a low to ISO 50 again making this a suitable choice for photographers who like to control and predict exactly how each shot will turn out.
Some other advantages are the room for two CF cards and the battery life that will allow up to 4,400 images per charge. The monitor offers crystal clear viewing with a bright three inch super density 920,000 LCD screen. Does Nikon D3x camera have any drawbacks? Trey Ratcliff, mentioned earlier, complains of the step progression that is programmed to be one step at a time, whereas he would like to be able to program steps by twos. However, those details aside, he also states that this is the only camera he uses, since he needs extreme reliability, not being able to backtrack or return to far-flung locations. Certainly his pictures are proof of the amazing capacity of this camera.


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